The VM-5 series Monitors are designed in accordance with the API 670 4th Edition for use on acceleration and rotating machinery. Both 8 or 10-slot rack mount type and one-unit standalone type with a built-in power supply are available so the monitor can be applied for any system design from a few channels of vibration monitoring for small machinery to TSI for large turbines
- High reliability by the use of duplex power supply (VM-5W1).
- System in wide expandability via data communication (VM-5P3, VM-53)
- Flexible configuration by the use of modular monitor units.
- All operations and checks enabled from the front panel with the monitor in operation.
- Easy monitoring by the perfect display function.
- Provided wit the self diagnostic function.
- Complies with the CE mark (except one-unit standalone type and some of units)
Notable Characteristics
- Analog Signal Output
- Overall Measurement Value
- 4-20ma or 1-5VDCBuffered Transducer Signal
- Buffered Transducer Signal
- From both front-panel BNC and rear terminals
- Relay Contact Output
- Up to 3 relays per channel
- Up to 3 relays per channel Digital Comms (RS232/485) Modbus
- Measurement Value
- Gap Voltage
- Alarm Status
- Dynamic Waveform Data
- Turbine Supervisory Instrumentation (TSI)
- Rack-based Monitoring
- Single-slot (2-ch) Chassis
- Full-feature Machine Protection
- Multiple Parameters